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Gangstalking is a Crime


Gangstalking or Organized Stalking is a system used by governments around the world using billions of taxpayers money funneled down to corrupt law enforcement (all the more reason to Defund the Police) to punish, control or elminate innocent people considered to be enemies of the state.  The process starts by slandering the target by portraying them in a negative light to all people who come into contact with them.  The goal of gangstalking is to get the target to either commit suicide, end up in a prison/pych ward or get them to be agoraphobic/having a fear of leaving home.

Gangstalking is Run by the Government

Former Head of the Los Angeles F.B.I. Ted Gundersons' Affidavit on Gangstalking


Gangstalking continues year after year, decade after decade due in large part to either an uninformed or disinformed public. There are numerous tactics used on Ti's (targeted individuals) and the examples in the following are the main ones:    

  • Stalking (maliciously following, lying in wait, harassing or threatening victim)

  • 24/7 Noise Harassment (car horns honking at random throughout the day, car alarm locking sound, car alarms going off, cars with loud engines/exhaust/mufflers/music driving by, noisy motorcycles, door slamming, dogs barking, leaf blowers, chainsaws, weed whackers, low flying airplanes, helicopters, fireworks)

  • Encountering people with passive aggressive behavior

  • Threats and abusive comments

  • Breaking into the victims residence

  • Breaking into the victims car

  • Vandalizing the victims car

  • Slander (lying or making up rumors about the victim)

  • Criminal invasion of the victims privacy for example, by hacking computers and smartphones (the crime of eavesdropping) and tapping phone lines.

  • Bullying at school

  • Workplace mobbing

  • Employment blacklisting

  • Blocking/Crowding (getting in the way when the victim is out and about, long lines at the store, disproportionately high number of cars parked on victims street to make it harder for victim to find parking)

  • DEWS (Direct Energy Weapons, Havana syndrome)

Gangstalking has strong similarities with the communist East German Stasi (state security service) which used a method known as zersetzung (decomposition) to repress political opponents in East Germany in the 1970's and 1980's.  The United States' version of zersetzung was known as the F.B.I's Cointelpro (counterintelligence program) which was used on political activists and groups e.g. Martin Luther King Jr., Jean Seberg and the Black Panther Party.  

Gangstalking Protests Around the World

Image by AbsolutVision

Gangstalking Tips

The following are tried and tested methods used by targeted individuals around the world to help reduce their gangstalking:

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The Achilles Heel of Gangstalking Is Exposure

"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them."

Ephesians 5:11

"Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead."

James 2:17

Image by Jonathan Borba
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